April 19th, 2023
In League of Legends you are able to play on multiple accounts. If you are planning in a lower division than your main rank, you are smurfing. In short, smurfing is not a bannable offence and is allowed by Riot Games, but why?
The community is heavily divided on the matter. Whilst, some people think that this would benefit the activity in the game, others might think it is scaring new players away. So what are the reasons that they think that?
Highly skilled players are ruining the ranked experience. Obviously, if you put someone who is better at the game in your lobby, they will dominate the game. Furthermore, this could mean that the team members and enemy team have a worse experience. As a result, people in that lobby stop trying to play the game and they become toxic, hostile or end up being afk. Consequently, if this may happen multiple games in a row, you scare people away from queuing up again, this would lead to a longer queue time for other players. In contrast, people who are doing that are enjoying themself and try to get a high winrate towards their desired division or rank. Moreover, those players queue up again and again and again. Thus, these players stay active and make it possible for others to get into a new game quickly.
Riot games implemented a smurf queue. This is a special queue for people who are smurfing. They calculate your winrate, ranked games played and mmr to see if you are a smurf or not. New accounts that can be bought here on Getsmurf fall in this category, if you are winning your first ranked matches. However, this did not solve the entire issue. Now you are in a lobby with all different kinds of smurfs, these players can be platinum, diamond, master or even higher elo. Therefore, this special queue for smurfs is not fair either. This causes this queue to be highly toxic and made of griefers.
Smurfing is not a bad thing, according to us. This would mean people can learn new champions, play with friends in lower ranks and end up having more fun playing the game. We think that Riot Games think the same. This is not hurting the integrity of the player base, because after one game the smurf will be in a higher mmr bracket and will not be in your game anymore. Newer players do not experience this either. They end up playing ranked and losing enough games that the system detects that the player should be playing in a lower bracket. Eventually, the players end up in a bronze lobby without any smurfs and they can enjoy their ranked climb.
Besides, every new account is extra money in the pocket. These smurfs buy their favourite skin with rp and start their grind again. As a result, they have an active player that spends money on the game and Riot Games end up profiting on this smurf account. Therefore, Riot Games will never ban smurfing. Luckily Getsmurf offers cheap skin options. You are able to purchase a fresh ranked ready account with your favourite skin for a fraction of the original price.
Riot games will never ban smurfing, because they are profitable, keep the game active and lower the queue time of other players. Therefore, smurfing is one of the reasons why the game is still active and fun to play for the experienced League of Legends summoner.
We offer the best quality League of Legends Smurf accounts. These accounts are level 30, this means they are ready for ranked.
February 21st, 2025
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January 27th, 2025
January 27th, 2025
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