Best "Pay to win" LoL Skins

July 7th, 2023

Best "Pay to win" LoL Skins

Hello Summoners today we're gonna be looking at 6 pay to win skins. Usually, skins are meant to be only a cosmetic change so that you can customize your champion to your liking. Unfortunately, some of these skins offer insane advantages, such as a smaller looking hitbox, confusing skillshots, harder to see particles, smoother animations, and much more. Well, we're gonna be diving into 6 pay to win skins, as well as what makes them so strong.

Project Ash

Starting us off strong, we got the infamous Project Ash Skin. Any pedal wind skin wouldn't be complete without her. The skin offers amazing visuals, a changing model, great visual effects, and unique voice lines. As a skin, it's honestly really well-made and is well-liked by many Ash players. That being said, it is notorious for its W and R hitboxes with the skin. If you w, its max range fades away and nearly seems invisible, which will let you get some extra poke in as enemies won't expect it. However, the biggest benefit of the skin is her ultimate. When Ash sense her arrow flying, it's nearly impossible to dodge with the skin, as its hitbox is so hard to read, this arrow can fly right past you and will still connect halfway through. It honestly feels like a Nautilus hook.

Infernal shen

Next up on our list, we've got Infernal Shen. This Shen skin is honestly one of the higher rated skins due to its beautiful chromas and overall amazing effects. While Shen doesn't necessarily have any bad skins, this one is even better than the rest due to its pay to win nature, it offers really hard to see visuals that can catch enemies off guard, specifically with his ultimate. Since the enemy can't see when Shen is coming, they'll often stay on whoever the target is, and Shen can get four to five man taunts. A lot of other particles can be difficult to see as well, but the biggest game changer is his ultimate, so don't underestimate the skin bonus points if there's a karthus that's on the same team, since the enemy can't tell the difference.

Space groove Blitzcrank

Moving on to our next skin. We've got Space Groove Blitzcrank. While the skin is already one of Blitz's best skins, it gets even better when you realize how exploitable it is. This skin portrays Blitz Crank and two cats named Blitz and Crank. Together. These cats pilot an iron golem. Then they can go ahead and hook their way to victory. With cute skin aside, Space Groove Blitzcrank offers a really broken and pay to win mechanic due to their moats during their taunt. It replicates the same animation as if you were throwing a hook. The Sissy Renat champions like Ezrael use a moat to force their dodge and then use your actual hook. It's a fairly niche mechanic, but it can be used on strong things like Santa Brown's Recall or Warren Kingdom's Katarina.

Cosmic Glux

Introducing us to our forth Pay to win skin, we've got Cosmic Glux. This amazing skin offers a really nice change of lux's ability and gives them a celestial feel. Alongside this, her animations feel far smoother than her other skins, which will be an upgrade to all her classic skin users. The real pay to win aspect of the skin is how hard her abilities are to see. Plus, since they all look like stars flying towards the enemy, it's also hard for them to tell the difference in the projectile. If you're looking for a smooth skin with a nice benefit on the side, don't skip out on Cosmic Lux.

Blossom Ahri

For our 5th pick we've got Spirit Blossom Ahri. Similar to Cosmic Lux, the skin feels extremely fluid with all her abilities and basic attacks. Besides its quality of life changes, it also offers misleading abilities. This is especially true with Ari's charm. You can often hide its animation simply by using her basic attack or moving forward. Thanks to how her model moves. There's honestly a ton of reasons to pick up the skin, but the fluidity as well as a hidden charm are the best too.

Sea Dog Yasuo

Moving on to our last pick, we got Sea Dog Yasuo. This is still a relatively new skin, and it's a pretty good one for what it's worth. That being said, it offers a huge advantage thanks to his third Q. While most Pay to Win Yasuo skins hide his third queue preparation, this one makes this tornado really hard to dodge. When thrown, it looks like a weird spin that makes it look like it's moving around. It also doesn't help that it looks a bit thinner than the other tornadoes. This will catch enemies off guard and get you a few free kills.

That sums up our list of possible 'Pay to win' options for league of legends skins you can check out some of them and test you luck in this lol skin section. Have a good Day!

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